On this page:
If a new imprint is included in your metadata JSTOR will verify whether or not they are an imprint of your press or co-publisher of a particular book. Assuming this information is easily accessible on your website or in MARC record holdings, we will add them to your account.
- These imprints will display on the platform as “Published by: imprint name, main publisher name”.
- If it appears that the imprint itself is actually a distributed press that does not have a direct relationship with the main press, we will contact you for more information. Generally speaking, JSTOR does not want to receive distributed presses as imprints in your metadata as this will cause confusion in MARC records and with end-users.
- In the rare case where an imprint’s catalog does not match the editorial criteria for JSTOR (such as children’s books, commercial trade books, etc.) we may ask that they be excluded from your metadata feeds to us.
Distributed presses
If you would like to add a new distributed press to your account, we would need you to send us a request via publishers@jstor.org. All new publishers or distributed presses must be vetted by our editorial team prior to inclusion. If your distributed press is accepted, JSTOR will need to set up a new account for them under your FTP space, and all future metadata deliveries will need to be separated out and sent to this new location.