JSTOR only uses an unlimited/multiple user access model with a price corresponding to that model. JSTOR also only accepts books that have world rights (no excluded countries or territories).
- For publishers using the JSTOR Book Metadata Template: Please see directions in the “Metadata Fields” article.
- For publishers using ONIX XML: Provide a price as per normal in the ONIX feed, but you must alert JSTOR if this provided price is to be treated as the Multiple User Unlimited (MU) price or if it needs to have a global multiplier applied in-house at JSTOR. Please send desired global multiplier information to us so we can add it to your account. Examples of common multipliers used are 150%, 200%, and so forth
- JSTOR will not accept MU prices for some books and commercial prices/global multiplier for other books. The publisher must select one option or the other, and notify JSTOR of that choice.
- Note: Sending a mix of prices in an ONIX feed will result in inaccurate prices.
Open Access
If at any point a book needs to be updated to be open access on the JSTOR platform, please contact us as soon as possible for assistance.